Saturday, June 27, 2009

27 june

we decided that the final scene would have to be shot all in one night due to lack of time and lighting. So we grabbed all our gear and Paloma and rushed over to Sharne's house after school. We started to set up and soon realised we had a big problem. The camera was flat and the park was far far away from any power plugs. We had an emergency setting change and decided to film our last scene down the road under a streetlamp. So we pulled out the millions of extension cords that Sharne's Grandfather by some miracle had in his garage. It turned out that filming under the street lamp was actually good for our film, as it allowed for rather lovely lighting. The dim light from above combined with the torch made the bright red of the blood really stand out in the otherwise monotone scene. It cast some sinister shadows, it was like although the circle of light may look like a safe place it is in fact the most dangerous place for our character, a contridiction.

We concocted blood from eggs and other gross stuff and got to work. All went relatively well (apart from Sharne stabbing both George and me) until we came to our last shot with the last of our toilet paper. George had to stand in the middle of the road and at the EXACT moment that he ripped the last bit of paper from his face a car drove straight into the shot. So we had to go around and borrow more toilet paper. We got it right in our second take, thank god. We packed up and watched the footage and realised the camera had moved at the crucial moment. But we could fix that later!

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