Sunday, August 23, 2009

now that it is all finished there are a few things I may do differently..
- I'd do it alone. It was good to have more people for gear and things, but it was hard to organize them to be there all the time and by the time we got to editing I was doing it by myself anyway.
-I'd leave myself more time. I underestimated how long EVERYTHING took. So if I did it again I'd have more time for filming and editing.
That's it really - otherwise it was so much fun. I am absolutely going to take film next year and see what I can do with a doco. Thanks Anya :)
i did the audio without the rest of my team ( Paloma and Ruby helped me though). I took out the parts where you could hear us instructing George through and the random out-of-place noises. I didn't really know what I was doing to start with so it was good to have Paloma to show me what to do - but in the end I could show her some stuff :) I looked for music that would fit the movie but I couldn't find any, then I was talking to terry about using Reason and I thought I might try and make my own kind of soundtrack. So I spent a couple of days (after school and at lunch times) cutting and stretching and reversing and speeding up and layering tracks from Reason and made me a soundtrack I was happy with. The I added in the credits and it was done! I am surprised really. I thought it wouldn't look nearly as good as it does now. I'm pretty proud of it. It does stray a bit from the original plot, but the idea is still there. Sharne and George watched it today, they last saw it before I started the sound and the music, and they couldn't believe it. That was fun :)